Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Super Excited!! I've been asked to give a seminar, workshop type 1 day thingy. Some ideas off the top of my head:
Flash! Turn it ON.
A is for average.
The workshops will be in an artists space with hopefully people hungry for photo tips.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Welcome to Don's Photography Blog. I'm not too sure what will happen with this blog but I guess we'll find out together. One main reason for starting this blog is to avoid the negative flames in discussion boards. I went to one today and found someone saying he was happy or at least didn't see vignetting with his lens and several people said he was blind because he didn't see it because it only shows up if you shoot a clear sky only. Well if it's not noticeable then in my opinion it's all good.
I am a professional photographer in Calgary, Alberta Canada. I used to shoot weddings but not so much anymore. I shoot a lot of ads as well as editorial content for the Calgary Herald, newsletter and other stuff for the City of Calgary new homes and condo show suites for New Home Living and Condo Living Magazines as well as various other clients.